I currently keep one proper diary notebook where I write my personal thoughts, but it stays in my room where no one can “accidentally” find what I write in it; what goes in there tends to be more personal. I want to start a “carry with me” journal like you describe, but have yet to find The One. I got a nice pink leatherette journal for Christmas; maybe I’ll just use that one, so it’s not just sitting there 😅😅

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Having one journal for personal thoughts and another for on-the-go sounds like such a great balance—I totally get why you'd prefer to keep them separate. I hope you find The One for your ‘carry with me’ journal soon! There are so many lovely options out there, but honestly, that pink leatherette journal sounds like a winner to me :)

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Je me suis également acheté un midori cette année (pas le même, il me semble que le mien est à quadrillage) dans le but de me mettre un peu plus au journaling. Bon... nous sommes le 12 et je ne l'ai toujours pas commencé. Cependant ton post m'a motivé à m'y mettre et j'aime beaucoup l'approche que tu as pour celui de 2025, je pense certainement faire quelque chose dans le même genre. À l'exception des to do list, j'ai un bloc notes réservé à ça!

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J’ai hésité avec le carnet quadrillé aussi, ils sont super pratiques ! 😊 Je pense que l’essentiel est vraiment de ne pas se mettre la pression. Sors ton notebook quand tu en as envie ou besoin, et petit à petit, ça deviendra une habitude naturelle. Pour moi, écrire en fin de semaine fonctionne bien, et parfois, je l’utilise un peu plus si j'ai envie/besoin. J’ai aussi quelques blocs-notes dédiés aux to-do lists. Comment leur résister ?

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i have a few notebooks but i’ve found that being over prescriptive with the intention means i just end up never using it! i have one notebook that i carry around for all sorts - things to remember, to do lists, drafts, recipes - and then one journal that i use more as a morning pages if and when i feel drawn to it

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Yes, I totally understand what you mean—that’s exactly how I felt too! Overthinking the purpose of a notebook is a bit silly, but having just one for all sorts of things sounds so freeing. Your approach with morning pages as and when you feel drawn to it is lovely—it’s such a gentle and flexible way to journal.

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I use several notebooks for different purposes, I was never able to gather all in just one. I need compartmentalised spaces 😄 and I still use a paper diary for my daily admin, appointments, to do, to watch. It's easier for me to have a clear weekly view of everything I'm expected to accomplish 😄

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Having compartmentalised spaces is such a good way to stay organised. And a paper diary still has its charm—it’s so satisfying to see your week laid out clearly. I will certainly return to it at some time as well, but I don't feel the need for it at the moment. It sounds like you’ve found a system that works beautifully for you! 😊

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J’aime beaucoup le concept de journaling, mais je ne sais pas si j’arriverai à m’y tenir haha. J’ai eu un journal de gratitude pour Noël (le Five Minute Journal) et j’ai réussi à m’y tenir pendant seulement 8 jours consécutifs. Après, vu que je reste quasiment tout le temps chez moi, il ne se passe pas grand chose dans mon quotidien (oui, il faut que je sorte plus 😅). Sinon, j’ai un carnet où j’écris mes poèmes depuis 2023. Il est d’ailleurs bientôt terminé, mais j’ai beaucoup de carnets vides qui ne demandent qu’à être rempli ☺️

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J’adore l’idée de ton carnet de poèmes—ça doit être tellement gratifiant de le remplir au fil des années. Et même si tu restes beaucoup chez toi (moi aussi haha), il y a toujours de petits moments à capturer. Peut-être ton journal pourrait devenir une façon d’explorer des envies ou projets ? En soi je ne suis pas la plus régulière non plus donc t’inquiète pas trop pour la régularité avec le journaling, ça doit avant tout rester un plaisir ☺️

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I keep a bullet journal and it's my place for to-do lists, appointments, journalling, photos, etc. I guess that was the original purpose of a bullet journal? I go through 4-5 a year! And using an index and rolling bullet system means everything feels like a scrapbook by the end.

This year, I'm also keeping a separate reading journal and using a Traveler's Notebook as a travel junk journal though. Excited to see my memories stack up!

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I went through a couple of bullet journals too—usually just one a year, not 4-5 like you! Yours sound so well-loved, and I really admire that. For me, what didn’t work was setting up the spreads—it felt like such a hassle at the time, but in hindsight, I think I was putting too much pressure on myself for something that should’ve been more fun. Returning to the essence of bullet journaling might be the way to go.

It’s amazing how versatile your bullet journal is! Keeping a separate reading journal is such a great idea, especially since you read a lot and write reviews—it’s almost like a work diary in its own right. I also keep a travel junk journal for longer trips, so I’d love to hear how you’re finding the Traveler’s Notebook as the year goes on!

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I think the key to having kept bullet journalling up for so long is that I don't create lavish weekly spreads 😂 I just use the original bullet system for daily notes, appointments, etc.! Really handy way to organise (for my brain anyway!) Would love to see more from your journals!

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Having only one notebook for everything is the only way journaling has ever worked for me ; I tend to not use the themed ones, they stress the hell out of me. I really recognize myself in what you wrote. I can only assure you that writing notes for classes, lists, recipe ideas etc. in one notebook only adds to the full sketching of you were and what you were up to at one given moment. So cheers to that and hopefully you like that way of journaling !

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Using just one notebook does feel so freeing, and you’ve beautifully captured my thoughts on the subject. I love how you described it as creating a full sketch of who you were at a given time—it’s such a meaningful way to connect all the little details of life. Being able to return to it and reflect sounds so special. I’m really excited to embrace this all-in-one approach and see where it takes me!

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I can’t keep a regular diary; mine is more of a monthly thing. I have pages where I list the books I’ve read, the things I want to do, my dreams, and even sometimes the things I want to buy. I also include tickets and receipts I bring back from my travels. I haven’t bought my 2025 notebook yet, but writing this has inspired me to get a new one.

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Your monthly-style journal sounds so creative and thoughtful! Including tickets and receipts alongside lists and dreams really does make it feel like a beautiful time capsule. My approach is similar in a way—I’m not a daily writer either; it’s more about writing when I feel like it, which usually ends up being weekly. I hope you find the perfect notebook for 2025. I'm excited for you!

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I had the same problem. I used to write in different notebooks for different topics and in the end I never finished any of them (which is very frustrating because I never had the opportunity to start a new one!). But the past year I started using just one for everything (except for book reviews which I prefer to have all of them in one place) and I have to say it was a relief. I have written more and explored even more topics. What surprise me the most is how many connections there are between the things that I notice or that catch my attention. I'm really happy to have made that decision and I will keep doing it that way. Plus, its easier to carry in your bag!

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It’s inspiring to hear how switching to just one notebook has helped you write more and uncover connections between different ideas. I love how it’s both practical and allows you to reflect and explore more deeply. And you’re so right—having just one to carry around is such a relief. It sounds like you’ve found a perfect system, and I’m excited to try it to see how it works for me!

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